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Dua Cinta Satu Hati

Akhirnya ku sadari bila diri ini Telah masuk dalam permainanmu Kini ku sadari bukan hanya diriku Yang telah menjadi sandaran hatimu Dua cinta dalam satu hati Tak bisa aku terima Dua cinta dalam satu hati Tak pernah kau sadari Bila dirimu telah menghancurkan perasaanku Bagaimana tidak, kekasih yang ku sayangi Ku lihat bermanja di peluk yang lain Tiada lagi maaf dariku Kini ku ‘kan pergi tinggalkanmu

by : calvin jeremy ;)

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Hanya Untuk Hari Ini

Rasa sesal datang lagi Melihat dia yang dulu pernah pergi Kini singgah dihati Tak bisa pungkiri hati Tak bisa bohongi diri Aku cinta dua hati Maaf ku jatuh cinta lagi Izinkan hanya hari ini Biarkan aku miliki Nanti ku kan kembali Tak bisa pungkiri hati Tak bisa bohongi diri Aku cinta dua hati Pasti kau kan tetap dalam hati Pasti kau takkan terganti Ampuniku malam ini Walau hanya sekali .

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The members of Dream High predict the most successful character

‘Yoon Baekhee’ and ‘Song Samdong,’ students played by Ham Eunjung and Kim Soohyun, were chosen to be the most successful characters among the cast of ‘Dream High.’
During a press conference for the show, the five cast members of ‘Dream High’ were to individually choose a character in the drama who they thought would succeed.
Kim Soohyun said, “Yoon Baekhee will succeed the most,” and Bae Suzy agreed, saying, “Baekhee practices will all her effort and as much as she gives, she will do well.”
Wooyoung drew attention when he chose IU, with whom he has a love line. Wooyoung said, “Pilsook is going to succeed the most” and “I will be a Jason that continues to support Pilsook.”
Eunjung said, “Catching up as someone who started behind, as well as with him being a genius, I think Song Samdong will succeed.” Taecyeon echoed that opinion, “Lee Sungchul sunbaenim once said ‘A singer must be born with talent’” and “Song Samdong is born with talent so he’ll do well.''

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Female Short Hair Styles

Hairstyles, Short Hairstyles, Hairstyle Pictures, 2010 Hairstyles, ... FREE newsletter for the latest short hairstyle photos, hair care tips, .... Among the degrees of short hairstyles, there are hairstyles that require very short hair style.

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Simple Hipnotis

Definisi : Hipnotis adalah salah satu cabang magic yang digunakan untuk bermain dengan alam bawah sadar manusia. Setelah seseorang memasuki alam bawah sadarnya, kita bisa menanamkan sugesti tertentu dalam pikiran mereka, dan membuat mereka melakukan hal-hal yang kita perintahkan.

Perlu Diketahui :

- Hipnotis (terutama “extreme hypnotist” seperti yang sering dilakukan Romi Rafael) hanya akan berhasil apabila sang objek (sukarelawan) bersedia dihipnotis.

- Alam pikiran manusia dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu alam sadar (conscious mind) dan alam bawah sadar (unconscious mind). Tujuan hipnotis adalah membuat sang sukarelawan berada di alam bawah sadar mereka. Keadaan setelah sang sukarelawan melakukan berbagai macam hal dalam pengaruh alam bawah sadar disebut “trans”.

Prosedur :

1. Percaya Diri

Sebelum melakukan hipnotis, anda harus benar-benar yakin dan percaya bahwa anda mampu menghipnotis orang lain. Yakinkan diri anda bahwa anda adalah seorang ahli hipnotis yang hebat. Tanpa rasa percaya diri, hipnotis yang anda lakukan pasti gagal.

2. Ritme

Sesuaikan ritme suara anda dengan kecepatan nafas sang sukarelawan. Hal ini bisa dilakukan dengan memperhatikan gerakan rongga diafragma saat sang sukarelawan bernafas. Saat yang paling tepat untuk menggiring sang sukarelawan memasuki alam bawah sadar mereka adalah saat mereka sedan menghembuskan nafas (seperti yang sering dilakukan oleh Romi Rafael).

Biasanya, jika hipnotis berjalan dengan sukses, tempo dan ritme nafas sang sukarelawan menjadi lebih lambat. Saat itu, perlambatlah tempo dan ritme bicara anda sesuai dengan ritme nafas sang sukarelawan.

3. Nada Suara

Ada dua macam nada suara yang dapat digunakan dalam hipnotis.

a. Nada Suara Monoton

Metode ini sering dipakai oleh Romi Rafael. Nada suara monoton adalah nada suara yang datar dan cenderung sama dari awal sampai akhir, dengan penggunaan kata yang terus-menerus diulang. Tujuan menggunakan nada suara monoton adalah agar alam sadar sang sukarelawan merasa bosan, sehingga ia lebih mudah memasuki alam bawah sadarnya.

b. Nada Suara Bergelombang

Nada suara yang dipakai adalah nada suara naik-turun, lemah-keras, rendah-tinggi. Pelaku hipnotis mula-mula akan berbicara dengan nada rendah, kemudian semakin meninggi hingga membawa sang sukarelawan ke dalam keadaan “trans”.

Silakan pilih salah satu nada suara yang sesuai dengan kepribadian anda. Pilihlah yang paling nyaman dan enak saat anda mengucapkannya.

4. Membawa sang sukarelawan memasuki alam bawah sadar

Pertama, perintahkan sang sukarelawan untuk melakukan suatu rutinitas, misalkan “Berhitunglah dari 1 sampai 10, tiap-tiap hitungan akan membuat anda memasuki alam bawah sadar anda”.

Atau “Tarik nafas dalam-dalam…dan hembuskan”.

Atau tanyakan “Siapakah nama anda?”

Di tengah-tengah proses itu, jabat tangannya, tatap matanya, dan lakukan sesuatu yang mengejutkan sehingga ia dengan cepat memasuki alam bawah sadarnya. Sesuatu yang mengejutkan itu antara lain :

-. Menyentakkan jabatan tangan

-. Mengangkat pergelangan tangannya ke atas

-. Menjentikkan jari anda ke dahi sukarelawan

Ingat, saat melakukan hal-hal tersebut, tetap pertahankan kontak mata dengan sang sukarelawan. Setelah itu, buat sang sukarelawan melakukan hal-hal yang anda perintahkan dengan kalimat hipnotis.

5. Kalimat Hipnotis

Kalimat-kalimat hipnotis harus diucapkan dengan lancar, tanpa kata-kata seperti “eee…”, “mmm..”, “eh…”, dan sebagainya. Kalimat hipnotis biasanya adalah kalimat perintah bernada sugestif, singkat, padat, dan diucapkan berulang-ulang.

Contoh kalimat hipnotis :

Hal pertama yang harus anda lakukan adalah……

Membuat diri anda merasa nyaman…..

Duduklah di kursi dengan kedua tangan di atas paha….

Setelah anda merasa nyaman…….

Fokuskan pandangan mata anda ke satu titik…..


Arahkan pandangan mata anda ke titik ini…….

Mata anda akan semakin berat……

Semakin berat…..

Dan anda akan tertidur……

(……..) menandakan anda harus memberikan jeda sebelum menuju ke kalimat selanjutnya.

Anda sekarang berada di tepi pantai yang indah…

Sangat indah….

Dan akan menjadi lebih indah……

Anda akan melihat ombak dan buih….

Angin sepoi-sepoi…

Pohon kelapa yang teduh…..

Rasakan semuanya…..

Rasakan dengan seluruh panca indra anda…..

Masuklah ke dalam air…..

Rasakan dinginnya….

Gunakan kedua tangan anda untuk berenang melewati lautan….


Untuk menyadarkan kembali sang sukarelawan, anda bisa menggunakan kalimat berikut :

Anda akan melihat sebuah perahu….

Yang siap membawa anda meninggalkan pantai ini…

Tapi anda akan tahu….

Segala memori indah tentang pantai ini akan tetap ada dalam pikiran anda….




Naiklah ke perahu tersebut…….

Dan anda akan menemukan suatu pesan tertulis di perahu itu…

Mulailah berhitung dari 1 sampai 10…..

Dan tiap hitungan aakan membawa anda meninggalkan alam bawah sadar…

Dan kembali ke alam sadar….


Yang perlu diingat, tempo, ritme, nada, dan volume saat mengucapkan kalimat hipnotis harus konsisten.

Hipnotis adalah cabang ilmu magis yang sangat sulit dikuasai. Untuk menguasainya diperlukan waktu yang tidak sebentar. Jadi, bila anda mempraktekkan hal-hal yang tertulis di sini namun masih gagal dalam melakukan hipnotis, hal itu sangatlah wajar. Teruslah berlatih dan berlatih, maka anda akan menjadi ahli hipnotis yang ulung.


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Titan watchs

Titan Industries is the world's sixth largest wrist watch manufacturer and India's leading producer of watches under the Titan, Fastrack, Sonata, Nebula, RAGA, Regalia, Octane & Xylys brand names. It is a joint venture between one of India's most respected business organizations, the Tata Group, and the Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation (TIDCO). Its product portfolio includes watches, accessories and jewellery, in both contemporary and traditional designs. It exports watches to about 32 countries around the world with manufacturing facilities in Hosur, Dehradun, Goa and manufactures precious jewellery under the Tanishq brand name, making it India's only national jewellery brand. It is a subsidiary of the Tata Group. Titan watch division was started in 1987. At launch it was the third watch company in India after HMT and Allwyn. Titan formed a joint venture with Timex, which lasted until 1998, and setup a strong distribution network across India. Titan watches account for a 25% share of the total Indian market and are also sold in about 40 countries through marketing subsidiaries based in London, Aden, Dubai and Singapore. Titan watches are sold in India through retail chains controlled by Titan Industries.Titan Industries has claimed to have manufactured the world's slimmest wrist watch - Titan Edge. Produced indigenously after four years of research and development, the Titan Edge has a total slimness of just and a wafer thin movement . Apart from the Titan Edge, Titan also offers Steel, Regalia, Raga, Fastrack, Technology, Nebula, Bandhan, Sonata, Octane, special RHosur, Tamil Nadu.Fastrack is a popular brand among youth in India. Fastrack watches come in a variety of styles, shapes and colours.Titan Industries Announced the launch of its very first Titan flagship store is located at Opposite Shoppers Stop, Bandra Linking Road, Mumbai, India. Store is spread over a spacious 2,500 sq ft and houses more than 1500 watches on display from Titan like Purple, Automatics, Orion, Raga, Edge, Nebula, and many more.

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Gadde Sindhu Ra

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MRF(Madras Rubber Factory)
Madras Rubber Factory, popularly known as MRF, is a major tyre manufacturing company located in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. MRF is mainly involved in making vehicle tyres. It is India's largest tyre manufacturing company, and among the dozen largest worldwide. It exports to more than 65 countries. It is also involved in a range of other activities via subsidiaries. Funskool India, a Joint venture between Hasbro and MRF, is a major toy manufacturing company in the country. MRF Pretreads offers world class precured tyre retreading service, and MRF Muscleflex is involved in making conveyor belts. It is presently under the leadership of Vinoo Mammen, son of the late K.M.Mammen Mappillai. MRF has been involved in the development of cricket through its sponsorship of many cricketers and MRF Pace Foundation. At one point of time, MRF was the bat sponsor of world-class batsmen including Brian Lara, Sachin Tendulkar, and former Australian captain Steve Waugh.After Waugh's and Lara's retirement from international cricket, on 4th September 2009, MRF's contract with Sachin Tendulkar too expired. Sachin now uses Adidas bats, and MRF are currently sponsoring Gautam Gambhir and Rohit Sharma two other members of the Indian cricket team.At IPL 2010, MRF got the charge of the moored balloon floating above the cricket grounds. It contained a high-definition camera recording live actions of the cricket match.

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Farzana Hot

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Lux soap was first launched in India in 1909 as a flaked version of Sunlight soap. Subsequently it was launched in the US in 1916, and marketed as a laundry soap targeted specifically at 'delicates'. Lever Brothers encouraged women to home launder their clothes without fear of satins and silks being turned yellow by harsh lyes that were often used in soaps at the time. The flake-type soap allowed the manufacturer some leeway from lye because it did not need to be shaped into traditional cake-shaped loaves as other soaps were. The result was a gentler soap that dissolved more readily and was advertised as suitable for home laundry use. Lux is currently a product of Unilever. The name "Lux" was chosen as the Latin word for "light" and because it was suggestive of "luxury."Lux toilet soap was introduced as a bathroom soap in the US in 1925, and in the UK in 1928 as a brand extension of Lux soap flakes. Subsequently Lux soap has been marketed in several forms, including handwash, shower gel and cream bath soap.Lux soap was launched in India in 1909. The very first advertisement in 1909 featured Leela Chitnis as its brand ambassador. It was branded in India as "the beauty soap of film stars'.
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Dia Mirz

Dia Mirza, Bollywood Ends in modeling with a crown on his head sits a lot. This German actress Bengali Dia Handrich born 9 December 1982 in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. Her father was a German designer Frank Handrich and mother is Bengali, Deepa. Dia parents divorced when she was six years old. Her father died three years later. Her mother remarried a Muslim, Ahmed Mirza. She spent years training in Hyderabad Vidyaranya School for girls & boys school and then devour. Dia was dating Bunty Sachdev, director and actor Kunal Kapoor Apoorva Lakhim. It was released as the second runner-up in Miss India, Femina and represented India and won the title of Miss Asia Pacific Dia landed in the film industry with his debut Hai Tere Dil Rehnaa Mein, the remake of Tamil hit Minnale. He cast opposite Madhavan and Saif Ali Khan. The second movie is Arjun Rampal with Deewanapan. She had only one version on Tumko Bhool Payenge. In Tehzeeb , plays a mentally retarded girl Shabana Azmi and Urmila Matondkar opposite. House , Tumsa Nahin Dekha are other versions that are not really flock to a public theater. reiterated the role of Gayatri Tantya hit Parineeta . DUS , extortion Fight Club and Alag have different versions. Appeared in the comedy song Phir Hera Pheri and Lage Raho Simran in the hit Munnabhai , the success of films like 'Honeymoon travel Pvt Ltd, Shootout at Lokhandwala and Heyyy baby. Krazzy 4 is wrong. Upcoming movie Dia Mirza Fruits and nuts are Aankh Micholi, BITS & pieces and will also be part of the reality show Kaho Naa Yaar Hai.


"Lottery ticket" redirects here. For the film, see For other uses, see.A lottery is a form of which involves the drawing of lots for a prize. The word stems from the Dutch word loterij, which is derived from the noun lot meaning fate or destiny.Lottery is outlawed by some governments, while others endorse it to the extent of organizing a national or state lottery. It is common to find some degree of regulation of lottery by governments. At the beginning of the 20th century, most forms of gambling, including lotteries and , were illegal in many countries, including the U.S.A. and most of Europe. This remained so until after World War II. In the 1960s casinos and lotteries began to appear throughout the world as a means to raise revenue in addition to taxes.Lotteries come in many formats. The prize can be a fixed amount of cash or goods. In this format there is risk to the organizer if insufficient tickets are sold. More commonly the prize fund will be a fixed percentage of the receipts. A popular form of this is the "50–50" draw where the organizers promise that the prize will be 50% of the revenue. Many recent lotteries allow purchasers to select the numbers on the lottery ticket, resulting in the possibility of multiple winners.The purchase of lottery tickets is, from the perspective of classical economics, irrational. However, in addition to the chance of winning, the ticket may enable some purchasers to experience a thrill and to indulge in a fantasy of becoming wealthy. If the entertainment value (or other non-monetary value) obtained by playing is high enough for a given individual, then the purchase of a lottery ticket could represent a gain in overall utility. In such a case, the monetary loss could be outweighed by the non-monetary gain, thus making the purchase a rational decision for that individual.

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Divya Khosla

Divya Khosla is an attractive woman who made her debut as an actress the release of Ab Tumhare Watan Saathiyon Hawaii. Film was established actors involved, Amitabh Bachchan, Bobby Deol and Akshay Kumar.That same year she starred in the Telugu film, Love Today .She refused to work when she married T Series Bhushan Kumar owner whom she met during the filming of Ab Tumhare Watan Saathiyon Hawaii. Khosla is currently actively involved in society and wants to take over directing films.

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Lipstick is a cosmetic product containing pigments, oils, waxes, and emollients that applies color and texture to the lips. There are many varieties of lipstick. As with most other types of makeup, lipstick is typically, but not exclusively, worn by women. It is usually not worn until adolescence or adulthood. Lipstick started to gain popularity in England the 16th century, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, who made piercing red lips and bright white faces a fashion statement. By that time, lipstick was made from a blend of beeswax and red stains from plants. Only upperclass women and male actors wore makeup.In 1770 a British law was proposed to the Parliament that a marriage should be annulled if the woman wore cosmetics before her wedding day. When Queen Victoria took the throne in 1837, she banished lipstick and deemed that it's only acceptable for prostitutes. It was considered brazen and uncouth to wear makeup.In the 19th century, lipstick was not considered acceptable in Britain. In the 1850s, reports were being published warning women of the dangers of using lead and vermillion in cosmetics applied to the face. At the end of the 19th century, Guerlain, a French cosmetic company, begin to manufactured lipstick. The first lipstick was invented in 1884. The first lipstick was invented by perfumers in Paris, France. It was covered in silk paper and made from deer tallow, castor oil, and beeswax. Before then, lipstick was created at home. Complete acceptance in England may have been slower, but appears to have arrived for the fashionable Londoner at least by 1921.

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Deepika born on 5th January 1986, in Copenhagen, Denmark. She is the daughter of Ujjala and Prakash Padukone, who was the Badminton Champion. The sports genes runs in her family, for she herself played badminton at state level until 10th grade while her younger sister Anisha has taken to sports on a more professional level, with a strong interest in golf.She did her schooling in Sophia High School and her graduation from Mount Carmel College, Bangalore.Deepika Padukone has appeared in several print and television commercials like Liril, Limca and Close-up. She was the brand ambassador for Jewels of India, a jewelry exhibition and the face of Maybelline, an international brand. She also appeared in the 2006 Kingfisher Swimsuit Calendar.
She received recognition on the modeling scene by winning the Model of the Year title by the fifth Kingfisher Fashion Awards. The India Zee F Awards saw her walking away with not one but two prizes – Female Model of the Year (Commercial assignments) and Fresh Face of the Year. She graced Himesh Reshamiyya’s video ‘Naam Hai Tera’ from his album Aap Ka Suroor.It was hardly any surprise when she stepped into films in 2006 with her debut Aishwarya, a Kannada movie directed by Indrajit Lankesh, opposite Upendra who is one of the leading stars in the Kannada film industry.
Bollywood was not far behind. Her debut Farah Khan’s Om Shanthi Om was opposite none other than Shah Rukh Khan. She played a double-role, first as Shanthipriya a movie star and later as the bubble gum chewing star-struck Sandy. She walked away with the Filmfare Best Female Debut award and was nominated for the Filmfare Best Actress award.She starred opposite her beau Ranbir Kapoor in Bachna Hai Haseeno, which released in.Her next release, expected to hit the theaters in the early part of Chandni Chowk to China with Akshay Kumar.

Latest Mens Fashion
Simon Spurr Spring 2011 Collection Highlights
Simon Spurr Spring 2011 is about refinement. Here is a designer that went all out with exquisitely made clothes, sumptuous leathers and beautiful fabrics and finishes. For spring 2011 many collections feature slouchy looks, but Simon Spurr bucked that trend by churning out perfectly tailored suits and blazers, trim pants and classic shirts among other items. Beiges, whites, oranges and berry colors provide the perfect seasonal color palette. This is a collection that is stunning in its entirety and easily one of my favorites.
More from New York Fashion Week: The Best Looks from Five Spring 2011 Designer Collections
Although seasonal trends are seen throughout various collections, each designer has a unique take on these trends. Trenches, satin finishes, grey hues, scoop neck tees among other things are features in spring 2011 menswear. Mik Cire, Buckler, Rag & Bone, Robert Geller and Y-3 all incorporate these trends in one way or another. And here are what I would consider the best looks from these five great spring 2011 menswear collections.
New York Fashion Week
Right now designers are showing their spring 2011 collections in New York, aptly named New York Fashion Week. It's a week of celebrity sightings, fashionistas, models, designers and general mayhem considering all of these types are together under one roof. Here are some highlights from some of my favorite men's collections that have already taken place. Stay tuned for more as the week unfolds.
Modern and Stylish Men's Sport Shirts
Modern and stylish men's sport shirts you can wear with jeans and a cool blazer is a must. Among others, Hugo Boss and Ben Sherman make some great ones.
Men's Sport Coats and Blazers
Men's sport coats and blazers have become a wardrobe staple now more than ever. Guys are wearing sport coats with jeans in lieu of other outerwear, and I personally love the look. Blazers, sport coats and any variation of a suit jacket make a guy look put together. It's always a good choice. Here are a few of my top picks for men's sport coats and blazers.

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Charmi Hot

Charmy Kaur Born in May 17, 1987 is a Tollywood actress. She acted with stars such as Simbu, Venkatesh, Akkineni Nagarjuna, Prabhas, Siddarth, Ravi Teja, Sumanth, Nitin, and Jr. NTR. Charmi was only 14 years old when she acted in her first film, Nee Thodu Kaavali. This film was a big flop, but helped Charmi get noticed by the south Indian film industry. Her next film was Kadal Azhavatillai as a Tamil movie which was a hit. After that she acted in a couple more Tamil films but they bombed at the box office.Her re-entry to Telugu movies happened with Sri Anjaneyam, directed by ace director Krishna Vamsi. This too was a failed attempt. It was followed by another failure with Chanti,paired against Ravi Teja. She finally got a big break in Telugu with Gowri in which she paired with Sumanth. She didn't have to look back afterwards. The stupendous success of Mass with Nagarjuna strengthened her position in Tollywood.Charmi's most notable and critically acclaimed film so far is Anukokunda Oka Roju. It was a heroine-oriented thriller and had her playing the lead in it. Her performance in the movie was acclaimed by critics.Her film, Pournami, was a flop, but her performance wasappreciated. Though she did not learn south Indian classical dances, her Bharata Natyam and Kuchipudi dances in the film were appreciated by audiences.Charmi's Another film Chinnodu is declared a safe-player at the box-office. Her next film Rakhi (with NTR), which is hit. Another film, Mantra, a thriller with Charmi in the lead role. Three of Charmme's films, Style, Lakshmi, and Chukkallo Chandrudu, y Lakshmi and Style became hits. She was approached to do the item song in Stalin, but declined it as she was committed to other films. The chance later went on to Anushka Shetty. Director Krishna Vamsi frequently casts her in his movies. She also spells her first name as 'Charmme'.

Iron metal: the part of our life

Iron (US pronunciation: with two syllables, and UK pronunciation: with one) is a chemical element with the symbol Fe (Latin: ferrum) and atomic number. It is a metal in the first transition series. Like other group 8 elements, it exists in a wide range of oxidation states. Iron and iron alloys (steels) are by far the most common metals and the most common ferromagnetic materials in everyday use. Fresh iron surfaces appear lustrous silvery-gray, but oxidize in air.Iron is the most common element in the earth as a whole, and the fourth most common in the Earth's crust. It is produced as a result of stellar fusion in high-mass stars, and it is the heaviest stable element produced by stellar fusion because the fusion of iron is the last nuclear fusion reaction that is exothermic. Iron is the most widely used metal, and iron compounds, which include ferrous and ferric compounds, have several uses as well.Iron has been used since ancient times, though not as early as bronze or the other copper related alloys. Iron is ubiquitous in modern life; it is used primarily for its structural strength. Pure iron is soft (softer than aluminium), but the material is significantly strengthened by addition of minute amounts of impurities, such as carbon. Alloying iron with appropriate small amounts (up to a few per cent) of other metals and carbon produces steel, which can be 1,000 times harder than pure iron. Iron is smelted in a blast furnace, where ore is reduced by coke to metallic iron.Elemental iron is reactive; it oxidizes in air to give iron oxides, also known as rust. The rusting of iron and iron alloys is undesirable, and has a major economic impact. Unlike many other metals which form passivating oxide layers, iron oxides occupy more volume than iron itself. Thus, iron oxides flake off and expose fresh surfaces for corrosion. Iron oxide mixed with aluminium powder can be ignited to create a thermite reaction, used in welding and purifying ores.Iron exists from oxidation state , although are the most common. It forms binary compounds with the halogens and the chalcogens. Among its organometallic compounds, ferrocene was the first sandwich compound discovered. Iron plays an important role in biology, forming complexes with dioxygen as hemoglobin and myoglobin; these two compounds are common oxygen transport proteins in vertebrates.

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Celina Jetly

Charming actress Celina Jaitley was bathing in the success of twilight when he won the crown of Miss India. Celina Jaitley was born on June 9, 1981 in Kabul, Afghanistan. His father was the Indian army, and the mother of the child psychologist, and his beauty queen. His brother followed the example of his father and joined the Indian Army.
Selina graduated from the end of the Indira Gandhi National Open University of Commerce. He worked in marketing for mobile phones company, Calcutta. He participated in a local beauty contest and won the stimulus of his motivation in Miss India. This is a reasonable step as she won the crown and was ranked fourth on top of the Miss Universe contest. He won MTV's Most Wanted automated at this time.
Further, in accordance with music clips, and with Bombay Viking "Zara Nazron Se Khedo.The debut was with Celina Jailey Janasheen Feroz Khan with Fardeen Khan. Silsilay , was somewhat starrer most of his films. Comedy No Entry , stars like Salman Khan, Bipasha Basu and Anil Kapoor was shot down. He made films such as Zinda , Tom Dick and Harry , Apna Sapna Money Money .He made a brief appearance in the comedy Heyy Babyy . Celina Jaitley got continued Golmaal return and money Ho Tho Honey Let.

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