halo saya kembali lagi
gue mau ngeshare video sbs gayo daejun yang kemaren
sumpa acaranya meriah begete dan keren begete
GD sama TOP ft Bom nyanyi lagu 'oh yeah' huanjer keren mamen
ji dregen nya rambutnya kerebo kerebo gitu :3
terus si ti o pi rambutnya kaya gulali gitu :3
terus magnae special stagenya.....
SEOHYUN! kenapa dirimu cantik banget ya tuhan,harusnya yong bersukur tuh punya 'istri' kayak seo huahuahua
TAEMIN! dirimu sangat seksi apa lagi pas turun pake kayak ayunan dari kain kain (?) gitu uh babang saya yang satu ini memang tidak ada matinya
terus nyanyi nanyi circus gitu aih unyu
changmin sama mir juga keyen
sulli,linzy sama jiyoung juga zekzeh banjets
BEAST NYANYI 'YAYAYA' asdfghjkl banget ya Allah yoseob terimut disitu :3
si junhyung saking jentelmen nya kagak bisa imut dikit aja -_-
dongwoon~dari mukanya yang super seksi itu mencoba untuk berimut imut ria tetapi apadaya emang dari janin udah seksi mau dibikin muka imut muka melas muka lusuh tetep aja seksi (?)
yoseob sama boram -_- unyu pasangan terimut :3 dari pertama tama gue juga udah nyangka PASTI yoseob sama boram jelas jelas orang mereka berdua kan bermasalah sama tinggi badannya- -_-
dalam artian sama sama cebol mini :3
bang dujun sama qri
bang sispek kikwang sama soyeon
bang dongwoon sama membernya t-ara yang baru siapa gue lupa namanya -_-
bang junhyun sama jiyeon (the best couple I think -,-)
bang hyunseung sama hyomin (hyomin mengapa dirimu sangat mirip jessica dan sangat cantik?)
eunjung kemanakah bias saya ini (setelah hyomin)?
ternyata dia masih cidera orang kaki nya aja masih di gips
kasian ya gue taun lalu shinee sama kara sekarang beast sama t-ara,grup suami gue semua itu -,-
tapi nyesekan taun lalu gila aja bang taem ngedance seksi bareng hara si hara grepe-grepe si babang lagi kasian tuh si babang masih suci uda di grepe-grepe sama cewe lagi hem...
sebagai istri ya harus tabah lah kalo suaminya di grepe-grepe,tapi kalo grepe-grepe nya berlebihan.... hati hati saja entar anda akan berhadapan dengan ki kusumo dan ki joko bodo HAHA -_-
girls generation nyanyi hoot yang jadi mata mata nya babang minho :3 gantiin babang siwon
syaini (re:shinee) nyanyi lusifuh (re:lucifer) tapi sayang bang jonghyun masih cedera jadinya tidak bisa berjoget joget ria bersama member syaini lainya
4BLAQ! kurang gimana gitu masih oke wonderbang~
si IU asdfghjkl banget imut,kayak gue banget itu *silahkan muntah*
oh iya tadi ada kbs song festival,gak semeriah sbsgayo sih tapi lumayan
IU feat Seulong,unyu banget si seulong nyubit pipi nya IU terus kan si seulong mau nyium IU eh malah dijitak palanya sama IU -,-
IU sama seulong pake baju pengantin aaaaaaaaaaa~ setuju banget kalo mereka berdua pacaran-,-
duh dredeg gue ngeliat si seulong gara gara mimpi itu huahua VGYH%$#@WSDT& *apaan sih-_-*
TADI! si taemin pas nyanyi lusifuh entah belek gue ketebelan ato gue menyandang katarak ato apapun ato gue salah liat tadi si taemin jatoh,kacian babang kuh~ *apaan sih-_-*
mana si aya bilang gini lagi "ih si taemin malu maluin banget"
apaan sih ya dasar bocah edan
yodahdeh banyakan curcol
videonya ada di website ini
sudah dulu ya kawan
bye muah muah *wink wink (huek)
sbs gayo daejun
yu no mi so wel~
hallow kawan~
postingan ini judul nya gak banget
lagian gue bingung mau ngasi judul apa yauda ini aja
gue ngasi judul kaya gini soalnya tadi pagi gue nonton mv nya smash yang I heart you untuk yang pertama kalinya sama dari tadi si aya nyanyi 'YU NO MI SO WEL' terus kenceng lagi mana lirik nya yang dia apal cuma itu cekacekaceka
okedeh kenapa jadi ngomongin smash -_-
oh iya tadi indonesia miris banget
indonesia menang tapi kalah
maksudnya leg1 malaysia menang
nah leg2 nya indonesia menang
tapi kalo dijumlahin gol banyakan yang mana
banyakan malaysia
ngerti gak maksut gua?yaudah kalo gangerti,gue juga gangerti apa yang barusan gue omongin haha *garing*-_-
okedeh meskipun malaysia kalah tapi gue bener bener bangga sama indonesia
ya jelas bangga orang pas semi final gak pernah kalah
sama thailand & filipina pun yang mainnya menurut gue bagus aja dia menang
dan bisa sampai final itu sumpah udah hebat banget
pround to be indonesian deh pokoknya
oh iya tadi ada yang nyorotin laser ke kiper malaysia
gue udah emosi aja tuh dalam hati gue
"suporter indonesia bodoh banget sih masa ikut ikutan nge laser,itukan tindakan bodoh"
eh ternyata yang ngelaserin itu bukan suporter indonesia,tapi suporter malaysia katanya sih
biar indonesia dituduh ngelaser
eh tadi si zein ke rumah lo
zein makin cantik loh kawan bruakaka
maaf ya tulisan diatas gak nyante gua rada gak rela sih tapi kan gue sebagai pacar eh tepatnya istri dari taemin dan yoseob harus berlapang dada itu kan tuntutan pekerjaan dan kalau misalnya lawan main nya di panggung deket deketin 2 suami saya itu pasti kalo ketemu saya pasti langsung mundur sejurus gak jadi deket deketin soalnya secara lahir dan batin saya itu serem banget (?)
oke katanya udah keluar video video nya di youtube tapi besok ajaya gue share uda ngantuk banget nih -->curhat
oh iya gue belom tau nih nilai rapot gue brp :/ soalnya pas pengambilan rapot gue lagi diluar kota jadinya gak sempet ngambil ngambilnya pas entar kalo udah masuk sekolah lagi
entar deh kalo misalnya gue udah ngambil rapot gue posting di blog berapa nilai gue oke gapenting banget kan gak ada yang minta juga tapikan ini blog gue yaudah (?)
sudah dulu ya kawan besok saya mau ngeshare vidio nya beast sama t-ara yang membuat saya envy setengah gila
SNSD’s “Hoot” mini-album ranks 2nd on Oricon’s weekly chart
SNSD’s latest mini-album, “Hoot“, has ranked second on Japan’s Oricon daily chart!
According to data revealed by Oricon on December 28th, the Korean mini-abum was released on the 22nd and had already sold 61,000 copies in its first week.
Oricon representatives revealed, “Their single for ‘Gee‘ was their best record, which placed in at second. This is the first time for SNSD to make it in the top 10 with an album.” This past August, SNSD was the first international female group to rank in on the Oricon singles weekly chart with “Gee”.
SNSD’s “Hoot” mini-album features six of their hit tracks such as “Gee,” “Genie,” “Run Devil Run,” and “Oh!”
MBLAQ releases their 1st album teaser!
At midnight in Korea on December 29th, MBLAQ’s comeback teaser was finally released through J. Tune Entertainment’s official youtube channel!
Prior to this, a representative from J.Tune Entertainment expressed, “We are very happy that there is so much anticipation for MBLAQ’s teaser. You will be able to see an artful performance in the video. There will be some transformations to each member’s image such as changes in hairstyle.”
Are you intrigued yet? Check out the teaser below and find out for yourself!
Hallo kawan..
makasih ya,yang masih setia membaca blog gue (gak ada deh kayaknya)
oh iya..
liburan akir semester yang suram
kerjaan nya cuma leha-leha,gulang-guling,baca buku yang sudah dibaca,buka facebook,buka twitter,buka tumblr,nge reblog sama nge like gambar gambar bagus di tumblr dan 99% kpop,gangguin aya,dengerin lagu di ipod,makan,tidur
suramnya liburanku
kedengerannya sih enak,tapi apa enak ngelakuin kayak begituan tiap hari -_-
oiya saya emosi kemaren yak...ekhem
krezi banget tau gak
kebobolan gara gara si markus kegatelan sama gak konsen
kegatelan?gara gara di sekitar gawang indonesia katanya DITABURIN BUBUK GATAL sama orang malaysia yang disono,jadi kalo kena kulit gatel,pemain belangkang indonesia juga gatel gatel tuh gegara bubuk sial itu
gak konsen?gara gara si markus di sorot sinal laser sama suporter malaysia,dan katanya laser itu ganggu konsentrasi
cih,licik banget kau tetangga,katanya negara islam,kayaknya islam gak ngajarin curang.
eh kan ada follower gue orang filipina sama sama demen banget beast
gue kan post kayak ginian
sama ginian
eh dia ngelike,wakawaka
lebih baik dia jadi wni aja deh -_-
oh iya ada foto yang menarik perhatian saya
(Source:Fira )
Angled Bob Hairstyle
The angled bob is a modern day twist to the old classic bob. This hairstyle gives a softer look to the faces of the women. With the fringe in the front, it also gives a sexy and a naughty look to all women. Recently celebrities like Rihanna, Katie Holmes and Victoria Beckam have been seen sporting this look.
Before getting this haircut, the hair should be shampooed and condition. It can be towel dried or blow dried for the effect. Before styling the hair, the hair dresser should put some styling gel; this will help to smoothen out the rough edges too. Taking slim sections from the back, the hair is cut at an angle of 45 degrees to give it a textured look. The hair is cut till the nape of the neck.
oke saya pokoknya suntuk banget
makin suntuk pas baca artikel yang berjudul
"Zac dan Josh Farro resmi keluar dari paramore"
hey matiyuk.
saya sangan shock kawan
secara kan si josh bias gue di paramore (setelah hayley tepatnya)
gue gak nyangka,sepertinya video clip paramore yang terakir bersama josh and zac itu 'playing god'
ngah,padahal gue demen banget lagunya paramore apalagi yang 'misery business' sama 'brick by boring brick'
'decode' sama 'the only exception' juga bagus 'playing god' juga-_- aaaaaaa~ semua bagus deh pokoknya
pokoknya saya tidak terima~~~~~ qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm!@#$%^&*()
oh iya ada quotes bagus nih dari tumblr
Allah, I want to thank You for all the things You’ve done. Alhamdulillah. Thank you Allah. I love You.hiks...
menyentuh *eaea*....
dan pokoknya saya masih suntuk gegara farro bersaudara keluar.
What the...fck
Over the past 6 years, our band has been through some of the most intense and incredible experiences of our lives. None of these things have been without trial. We've worked so hard to get to where we are and the fact that you are all still here with us says something about you that we will never be able to truly understand. You have stuck with us through thick and thin and we are so grateful. A couple of months ago, Josh and Zac let us know they would be leaving the band after our show in Orlando last Sunday. None of us were really shocked. For the last year it hasn't seemed as if they wanted to be around anymore. We want Josh and Zac to do something that makes them happy and if that isn't here with us, then we support them finding happiness elsewhere. But we never for a second thought about leaving any of this behind. We really hope that you can be encouraged by the fact that the three of us who are still here are ready to take on another chapter of our journey together. You have always been what keeps us going so why would we stop now? We want to stick by you. Knowing that we have a unified passion and a clear vision makes us feel stronger than ever.Hiks..
The "blog" that was posted regarding everything that is going on with our band was a fake. We aren't sure who did it or why... And we aren't sure how they timed it this way. This is the first time that we have spoken out about what's going on and we wouldn't have released an official statement that important through a personal blog. So, we're sorry for any confusion and just to remain clear, this is the first time we have spoken out about this.
We have some amazing things lined up for next year starting with our tour in South America. We are still coming to you and we are excited about who we are bringing with us! The tour is still on and we can't wait to see you all.
As we look back, and now as we look with excitement to the future, in all of this what truly matters are the good times. The pictures of us with our arms around each other, the long van rides, your faces while you sing along as we play. Thank you for getting us right here to this very moment. We look forward to our best times. And we hope you will go there with us.
Hayley, Jeremy & Taylor
oh god i can't believe these,okay brb crying :'(
you know? I really really love paramore
short prom hair styles
Prom night is obviously one of the most important social events in a teen's life. It combines romance, a party atmosphere, and a sense of saying goodbye to high school and carefree days.Hair extensions are a simple way to get a beautiful prom hair style for either an up do or long and glamorous wavy look. Use hot roller, curling irons and a blow dryer to style your prom hair style. Just be sure you are careful near the bonds and/or clips so that you can readily conceal where the extensions are attached.
short hair style tips
First, you should consider your face shape when you get your hair cut. If your face is round, you probably don't want to go with a pixie cut or something super-sleek. Instead, try something with choppy layers around your cheekbones and length that falls a little below your chin. Add a little volume at the top and some side-swept bangs and you instantly elongate the appearance your face. On the other hand, if your face is long, you may want to add lots of long bangs and cut your hair chin-length to shorten the appearance of your face. Square faces will want to go with softer layers instead of blunt cuts, while heart-shaped faces look great with styles that flip out and balance the thinness of their face at the jaw.
photos of short hairstyle
bridal short hair style
Hair stylist believe that the hair is the woman's crowing glory. This is especially true to a bride. Although she wants her wedding to be perfect in all aspects, how her hair is done will definitely say it all. Everybody will be looking at her and she will be the center of attention. She has to look fabulous.